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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Commercial Creations

Did you enjoy creating your own "Propoganda Commercials"? What was your favorite part of creating them? Would you recommend this activity for next year's seventh graders?


  1. yes, i enjoyed creating them. my favorite part was the acting. tes i would reccomrnd this activity.

  2. Yes I enjoyed creating the comercials. My favorite part was adding the bloopers at the end. Yes I recommend this activity for next year.

  3. I did enjoy creating our own propaganda commercials. My favorite part of creating them were planning out what we were going to do in the commercials because when we were planning many ideas were spreading and hearing all the ideas were fun to listen to and they added on to other people's personal ideas. I also enjoyed watching the end results because some actually were HILARIOUS and having all those classes see what we created made some people feel proud and happy of what they created in that short amount of time. I would recommend this activity for next year's seventh graders because since most people watch television, I think it's interesting to know more about what we watch.

  4. Yes, I actually did enjoy it. The best part was in my commercial when I tripped on the stairs. This would be a good and fun activity for next years 7th graders.

  5. Yes, I did like the propaganda commercials and I did enjoy making them. I guess my favorite part would have to be acting it out, seeing the bloopers, and how good or bad we played the part we were supposed to. Even though it was very funny seeing how our commercials went I would not recommend giving this to the seventh graders next year.

  6. I did enjoy it! My favorite part was the filming and working on movie maker! I would definetly recommend it for next year's 7th graders!!!!

  7. I enjoyed the propaganda commercials and my favorite part was video taping and all the things that happened off screen. I would definitly recommend it to next year 7th graders it was alot of fun and I hope they have as much fun as me!

  8. Yes i did enjoy making the propoganda commercials with my group. My favorite part about creating it was having a good time but, showing the glittering generatlities thing. I would recommend this for next year's 7th graders because they can learn about propoganda and have a fun time making a video with there friends! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!The End!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I enjoyed making are propoganda commercials a lot. My favorite part was adding all the special effects. This will be a FUN project to do with next years 7th graders.

  10. Yes I enjoyed making the commercial with my group. I had lots of fun. My favorite part was putting the commercial together. We were watching it over and over again, because it was really funny. I also like the part when we had to force one of the group member into a dress (lol) He looked really funny. I would recommend this for next year’s 7th graders, because it was really fun and we learned a lot from it.

  11. I definitely enjoyed making our commercial. My favorite part about making it would have to be… haha dumping “cheerios” on our star’s head. I also liked goofing around off camera and being silly on camera. I’m not sure how many people thought our commercial was actually funny but WE thought it was funny while we were making it, so that’s all that counts.:) I would totally recommend this activity for future 7th graders! They’d have tons of fun doing coming up with creative ideas for commercials, and they’d learn bunches about propaganda.

  12. I enjoyed making the commercial because i think it was a great expierence, and behind the scenes was a lot funnier than the commercial itself.
    I'm not really sure if i would reccomend it for next years seventh graders,
    a) because they can't measure up to us, (;
    b)i don't understand the propaganda things any better than when we started, but i got a good laugh out of the unit (:

    it was fun, and i would reccomend it for entertainment, but if you really want them to understand, or if they have to take a test, i don't really reccomend them.

  13. Yes I did enjoy making our own propaganda commercials. It was probably one of the best projects all year!!!! My favorite part was watching the commercials because it was interesting to see what the group had done to their voices, the speed of the video, etc. I would definitely recommend this project to the 7th graders next year. I think that they will enjoy it as much as we did!!!!

  14. Of course, I loved making the commercials. My favorite part was putting it all together on Movie Maker. I would recommend this for 7th graders next year because it's a fun educational activity.

  15. Yes, I did enjoy creating the propoganda commercials. My favorite part was adding bloopers at the end and seeing Bryan in the wig. I do think the seventh graders should do that next year because it was a fun way to learn and act. It was also fun to see the other groups commercials. I had a lot of fun.

  16. Yes I enjoyed making the commercial with my group. My favorite part was when we were editing the video. Slowing down certain parts were hilarious. I also liked the part where someone thought the highest volume was the lowest. I would recommend this for next year.

  17. Yes I enjoyed It. My favorite part was getting to watch all of the other funny and clever videos. I would definetely recomend this project to next years 7th graders.

  18. Yes, I enjoyed making my commercial. my favorite part was watching it over and over beacuse it was really funny. I would reacommend it to 7th graders next year because it was really fun to think of all the ideas and possibilaties that you could make up.

  19. Yes, I had a lot of fun making our commercials! My favorite part was filming because when ever we messed up, it was really funny!! And it was cool to put together the commercial because of all of the stuff there was on movie maker. I would definitely recommend this project to the 7th graders next year. They will have a lot of fun doing it!

  20. I definitely enjoyed making our commercial. I’d have to say that my favorite part of making it would be… ha-ha dumping “cheerios” on our star’s head. I also liked goofing around off camera and acting silly on camera. I’m not sure how many people actually thought our video was funny, but we thought it was pretty hilarious while we were making it. And that’s all that counts. :) I would totally recommend this activity for future 7th graders. They’d have tons of fun making them and it’s a great way to learn about propaganda.

  21. I really enjoyed making the commercial with all friends. My favorite part was when I was dancing under falling cheerios and acting weird. I would totally recommend this to future 7th graders they would have so much fun.

  22. Yes, I enjoyed making the commercials. It was a lot of fun. I liked making the bloopers at the end and watching Bryan fall down the stairs in super slow motion. That was the best moment of my life. I would recommend this activity to next year's seventh graders because it was a lot of fun!

  23. I think the commercials were very fun. Me and my group had lots of laughs. But I wouldn't recommend them for next year. I didn't learn anything about propoganda. But it was really, really fun!

  24. Yes it was very fun making our commercials. my favorite part was getting to hold the cmera and film. i would definitley reccamend this for next yeas kids.

  25. I really did enjoy making the propaganda comercial because i got to work with my friends. You should do the same thing mext year because I think that the future 7th graders will really enjoy it.

  26. I had lots of fun creating and watching the commercials. My favorite part was watching all the differnt commercials and seeing what ideas other people had.

  27. I like the fact that we could pick our groups and work with friends. It was really fu acting

  28. they are so much fun and ours was so cool

  29. I thought they were really fun and exciting. My favorite thing was planning our commercial. I think the next year class should do this because it is a very fun activity!
