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Monday, April 27, 2009


Our current Unit is all about perseverance. Describe a situation in which you had to use perseverance. In this particular situation, what made you want to persevere?


  1. One time when I had to perservere is when I had to go through my Grandma's death. It was very hard on our whole family and my mom was very upset. The reason I perservered was to stay strong for my mom. She was very upset and was crying non-stop. I think it was very important that me and my family were there to help her through the tough times.

  2. when i was running the mile.
    i wanted to get a 4

  3. On the mile last year in 6th grade I had fallen behind 3 other students. I wanted to be the best I ran faster and faster I beat everyone in my class with a time of about 6 minutes and 37 seconds.

  4. One time I had to perservere on the rower test in gym because i always got a one cause im very short. So usually i get like 12 minites and my pants get caught under the seat. But this time I got a time of 9:34 which is a 2! Also my pants didnt get caught under the seat. WOOHOO!

  5. I had to persevere when my uncle got in a car accident and rolled down the side of a hill and 1 of my uncles died in the crash. My Grand mother was always sad and my Mom too.

  6. I had to persevere when my cousin got hurt in the air force. He had to get surgery. It was very hard on my aunt, my grandmother, and myself.

  7. A time when I had to persevere was when my little cousin, Chase, jumped into the deep end at his pool. He wasn't wearing anything that would make him float, so he jumped in and he started struggling because he couldn't swim (he's 3 years old). So I had to jump in and save him since I was closest to him. He was okay but he was crying and screaming and stuff. When he jumped in I got so scared and I felt pressured. It turns out that I perform well under pressure. He's alive and well but I will never forget this moment in my life when I had to persevere to help save my cousin.

  8. A time when I had to persevere was when I had an awake gum surgery. They pumped my head full of anesthesia but it still hurt a lot. I was very brave.

  9. I had to persevere when I did the pacer in P.E. I'm not the best runner, so I had to work hard to get a good score. I wanted to do the best I could. But when I got tired I just wanted to stop. So I pushed myself to do better. That way I would get a good score. I don't remember what I got. But I did persevere to get a good score!

  10. I had to persevere the last day of the reading MSA. I was really sick and I didn't feel like coming to school. But I had to force myself to get up and go to school. All I was saying to myself was that it was better to do it now than later.

  11. One time when I perservered was at my soccer game yesterday. It was about 90 degrees, and I felt like I was going to die about 15 minutes in the game.(The games are 70 minutes.) But I played through the whole game. I even ended up dribbling past a few people, and then scoring a goal! My team and I didn't give up, and won the game 3-0!

  12. I had to perservere when I was doing the high jump in the nationals. I had to perservere because it was over 100 degrees and I was competing in this weather. I actually place 8th in the high jump and won a medal.

  13. Once, when my brother was telling me that I couldn't beat one of his friends in a match of arm wrestling and I totally showed him wrong because I beat his friend by a landslide. What made me want to perservere was the fact that my brother didn't have faith in me and I just love to prove him wrong!

  14. When my basketball team was in the championship game and we were down by 13 points! We came back to 3 points but still lost.

  15. This one time i was perseverant. I was trying and trying to build a lego castle. Right when i got to the last peice the whole thing fell down. I was perseverant when i kept trying and finally built the castle out of legos.

  16. One time when I had to use perseverance was when my family and I went camping. We only had a little bit of food. Even though I was always hungry I had to use perseverance to wait to eat until meals.

  17. I had to perservere my whole childhood! I had 3 broken bones, all my teeth pulled except 3, i fell on a fire pit, and i had TWO Sergeries! I kept on perservering and telling myself I could do almost anything. What made me perservere in all these situations was my sister's actions! For example, the night I fell on the fire pit, she was there with beside me the whole night at the hospital. She really helps me perservere!

  18. A time when I had to perservere was during soccer try-outs because a lot of competion was there and I had to try my hardest even though i didn't think I could make the team. The next thing I knew I had gotten a call from the coach telling me that i made the team. It really paid off.

  19. When I was running the mile in the cold, i wanted to get a good score.

  20. A time I had to perservere was when something went wrong with my grandmother's medecine and she had to go to the hospital. Our whole family was upset because she couldn't remember what had happened. I wanted to perservere because I love my grandmother and I wanted her to be alright. In the end it all paid off because she turned out to be all right and her medecine was returned to normal

  21. Bready27:

    Your childhood is not over yet! You cannot say that until you are 18 or older. That is strange. You should have said that you had to persevere during parts of your childhood.
    I persevere almost everyday. When I am composing my Symphonies and Sonatas, as well as concertos I usually have to persevere through the blank hours when I do not hear my music. However when I get my music back, and I can hear it again, I can begin to compose again.

  22. I had to persevere one time when I was 6 years old when I got lost in a really big big amuesment park I didn't know where to go and I didn't know where my parents where. I didn't know who to go to for help so I asked around until I found someone that could help me. all of this took about an hour.

  23. Recently I had to perservere,
    at my goalkeeper training.
    We had to get down in push up position with our hands on a soccer ball.
    It doesn't seem hard, but it is, and everyone there was aiming to set the new record.
    My arms were hurting like CRAZY and I didn't think I could make it any longer,
    but I perservered,
    and came in third :P

  24. One time I had to perserve was when my dog died. He was the greatest dog ever! (in my opinion). He never hurt a fly and was so fun. He would let me and my brother ride on his back while swimming. He also went down the slides with us when we were little. And when he died everyone was so upset, especially my brother becuase he had known him ever since he was one. I perserved and helped my brother.

  25. A time I had to perservere was when I hurt my hip and my hole team was counting on me. I perservered tried my best. My team actually won the race(it was a horsie race)!!

  26. Bready15 one time I had to perservere was when I was in 1st place in the long jump in a meet. I had to perservere to keep that place.

  27. like bready23 and bready 29, I had to perservere once when doing the mile. I think it was the first fitness testing session of the year in 6th grade. I usually didnt get a very good time (ex: 12: 51 in previouse elementary school runs...) so i really wanted to get a decent time. I was determined and tried my best without exhausting myself completely and ended up getting a time of about 9: 50!

  28. Just this weekend I had a soccer game. And we needed to win if wanted to get into first place in our league, and get the big trophys. We were a much better team than the other but we were losing and not playing good. So there was about 7 minutes left in the game and we were down by one goal. So and my teamates really had to perservere to win the game. So we quickly scored a goal and then in the last secind I scored the game winning goal.

  29. When i was taking the SAT. It was long, hard and boring, but i kept on going and i tried my best:).
